Wednesday, July 04, 2012

re: Arabs citizenship - Stay on track and don't lose sight of your goal BEFORE THE CONFERENCE BEGINS read this!


Dear Mr. Wise, Nadia and Yehudit, amv"sh

(Mr. Wise's article forwarded by Women in Green entitled "Should Israel apply Sovereignty to all of Yehuda and Shomron" is printed below the double dotted lines)

You are overly emphasizing the demographic issue. Arab demography is irrelevant. If Arabs have equal voting rights as Israeli citizens then there is a reason to address the demographics.  They can not have equal status as Jews.  I think you need to get back on the right track.  You have a goal but like a spaceship going to the moon even 1 degree off will miss the target.  Please watch Glenn Beck video to give you the strength.

Demography should not be a factor.  Israel must assert her rights based on the fact that it is G-d given land to the Jewish People exclusive of all other nations.  Non Jews have a right to live in the Land of Israel and they do have rights.  However, our tradition and our Biblical and Rabbinic sources are quite clear that they are of a different status and their rights are not equal to that of Jewish descent or those that are righteous Jewish converts.  

Therefore, we need not concern ourselves regarding the population growth of an Arab population whether or not they are hostile.  Our goal should be as follows: If Arabs are hostile then they themselves will not find themselves welcome in Israel and they themselves will want to leave or face the natural negative consequences of Israeli law of any anti Israel education or any aggression against  Israel or Israeli citizens or the rights of Israeli citizens. They,  the Ger Toshav (Non Jewish residents of Israel) clearly must be proud of their Israeli affiliation and their status of being a  Ger Toshav (non Jewish Resident) of Israel.  A pledge of Allegiance of America  is a prerequisite of being an American citizen. That is a reasonable and  accepted given.  Israel need not tolerate those who hate Israel.  Leave a door open and let anyone that wishes to leave, leave.  There are any one of the existing 22 Arab and even more Muslim States to choose from.  These Muslim countries, as you surely know have closed the door to Jews. They might close the door on their own brothers but why do we need to be more hospitable then they are to themselves at OUR expense????Take your cue from the conquest of Joshua as per what choices were given the inhabitants of Canaan. (Read The Midrash Says or the Little Medrash says),  WATCH GLENN BECK TO REMIND YOURSELF WHY ISRAEL SHOULD NOT TOLERATE OR GRANT RIGHTS TO THOSE WHO DENY RIGHTS TO OTHERS. It would only diminish what is good in the world. 

Now to address what Zahava Engard wrote. Please visit this link. 


Please go back to JEWISH sources relevant to the laws regarding Ger Toshav as your model. 

Please read the following from

 R Isseroff wrote

If Israel takes back the land, there will have to be provision for Arabs who want to stay. Such as the Druse in Ghajar (Rajar), etc. Why not have a provisional citizenship that is minus army service, etc? There was in days of yore such a thing.

It was a "Chaver" status that Beis Din granted non-Jews who lived in Eretz Yisrael. The condition was that they agree to keep sheva mitzvot bnei Noach.

A similar thing could be redone today. Some will want to keep sheva mitzvos of Noach. Others will simply have to abide by Israeli law. Others will simply have to leave, as their policies of killing Jews are unacceptable...

It would never work under the present government. Only under a religious government could this work. They would pervert the idea making service in the Army mandatory. They would even extend it to electing Arabs to be in the government. Suddenly, you would have Arabs having a say in how the state is run, as is the situation today.

Is Professor Paul Eidelberg invited to this Conference in Hebron?  I believe he can add a lot to the discussion!
Israel's Territorial Syndrome: Part I
Prof. Paul Eidelberg
A group of "right wing" activists, including prominent lawyers, intellectuals, and journalists, has responded enthusiastically to Women in Green's clarion call to get to the "root" of the Israel-Palestinian problem. What precisely is the "root" of that problem? The activists agree with Nadia Matar that "Albeit 45 years late, it's time for the government of Israel to pursue an initiative that would extend its sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, which would include granting the Arab residents in the area Israeli citizenship."
Encouraging these high-minded activists is a groundbreaking study of the American-Israel Demographic Research Group ( which was publicized even before the August 2005 expulsion of Jews from Gaza. The study concludes that there is no need to retreat from Judea and Samaria in order to secure Jewish demography. This gloomy perception was based on the assumption that Jews are, "ostensibly, doomed to become a minority between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean." However, the AIDRG study shows that as a result of a declining Arab birthrate on the one hand, and an increasing Jewish birthrate on the other, the Jews would have a substantial demographic majority if the Netanyahu government extended Jewish sovereignty over Judea and Samaria even if the Arabs therein are granted Israeli citizenship.
Of course, the right-wing activist entertain the idea that these Arab citizens would pledge their loyalty to the Jewish state—a dubious expectation given the demonstrable fact that these Arabs are so anti-Israel that many used their own children as human bombs to kill Jews.
Given this nasty (but trivialized) fact aside, let's try a thought experiment. Suppose two polls were conducted to ascertain the attitude of these Arabs as to whether they would agree to be citizens of a Jewish state—one poll conducted by an Israeli, the other by an Arab. Inasmuch as the entire world supports the establishment of an independent Arab nation-state in Judea and Samaria, and since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has himself endorsed the creation of such a state, what do you think would be the response of these Arabs to each of said polls? I leave the reader to answer this question. Have the right-wing activists considered this thought experiment?
Netanyahu wants the Arabs to recognize the Jewish state of Israel. What does this mean? Wouldn't these Arabs, who are Muslims, have to renounce their religion or scriptures? What would happen to a "Palestinian" leader or diplomat who recognized Israel as a Jewish state? How would he be regarded by the rest of the Muslim world? Would he suffer the fate of Anwar Sadat?  No less than Yasser Arafat once said he was speaking not merely for the Palestinians. Can you really believe that the PLO-Palestinian Authority, a consortium of terrorist organization, would turn their backs on a 1,400 year history punctuated by politicide and genocide as well as by the most obscene Jew-hatred? Would they turn their swords into plowshares and become bourgeois democrats ala Bibi Netanyahu?
Evident here is not only desperate denial of reality but also a blatant insult to Islam, as Jabotinsky elaborates in The Iron Wall (1923):  
To think that the Arabs will voluntarily consent to the realization of Zionism in return for the cultural and economic benefits we can bestow on them is infantile. This childish fantasy … comes from some kind of contempt for the Arab people, of some kind of unfounded view of this race as a rabble ready to be bribed in order to sell out their homeland for a railroad network.

This view is absolutely groundless. Individual Arabs may perhaps be bought off but this hardly means that all the Arabs in Eretz Israel are willing to sell a patriotism that not even Papuans will trade. Every indigenous people will resist alien settlers as long as they see any hope of ridding themselves of the danger of foreign settlement….
Another point … The vast areas of the U.S. never contained more than one or two million Indians. The inhabitants fought the white settlers not out of fear that they might be expropriated, but simply because there has never been an indigenous inhabitant anywhere or at any time who has ever accepted the settlement of others in his country. Any native people – it's all the same whether they are civilized or savage – views their country as their national home, of which they will always be the complete masters. They will not voluntarily allow not only a new master, but even a new partner. And so it is for the Arabs. Compromisers in our midst attempt to convince us that the Arabs are some kind of fools who can be tricked by a softened formulation of our goals, or a tribe of money grubbers who will abandon their birth right to Palestine for cultural and economic gains. I flatly reject this assessment of the Palestinian Arabs….
Thus we conclude that we cannot promise anything to the Arabs of the Land of Israel or the Arab countries. Their voluntary agreement is out of the question. Hence those who hold that an agreement with the natives is an essential condition for Zionism can now say "no" and depart from Zionism. Zionist colonization, even the most restricted, must either be terminated or carried out in defiance of the will of the native population. This colonization can, therefore, continue and develop only under the protection of a force independent of the local population – an iron wall which the native population cannot break through. This is, in toto, our policy towards the Arabs. To formulate it any other way would only be hypocrisy….
All this does not mean that any kind of agreement is impossible, only a voluntary agreement is impossible…. But the only path to such an agreement is the iron wall, that is to say the strengthening in Palestine of a government without any kind of Arab influence, that is to say one against which the Arabs will fight. In other words, for us the only path to an agreement in the future is an absolute refusal of any attempts at an agreement now.
(Part II of this essay will show that the activists mentioned above fail to see that Israel's preoccupation with the territorial issue obscures Israel's paramount issue, which is How to make Israel an authentic Jewish state. Lacking both practical and theoretical knowledge, they do not address the question of how to make Israel more Jewish by means of democratic principles, and how to make Israel more democratic by means of Jewish principles. Therein is the solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

(To be continued)


Should Israel apply sovereignty over all of Yehuda and Shomron?
Michael L. Wise,

The dream of two states for two peoples will not realized in the tiny
parcel of land that lies between the Jordan River and the

The vision of Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat, Yossi Beilin and the EU,
Dennis Ross and Foggy Bottom, Ron Lauder and the "Jewish People Policy
Planning Institute", is unacceptable to the leaders of the Muslim
world, to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah and to
global Jihadists.

Events surrounding the 1915-1916 MacMahon-Hussein Correspondence,
outbreaks of violence between 1920-1936, the 1937 Peel commission, the
1939 MacDonald White Paper, the 1947 UN partition plan, Menachem
Begin's autonomy plan, Oslo, Intifadas, roadmaps and various two state
initiatives demonstrate the futility of expecting any Arab leader
coming to terms with Jewish sovereignty over any part of a divided
land. Total Arab rejection of a Jewish State has not changed over the
past 100 years.

PM Netanyahu's generous 2009 Bar Ilan "two-state" offer was stillborn
the moment he required that one of the "two-peoples" recognize the
right of the Jewish people to a Jewish State. As Abu Mazen proclaimed:
"The Palestinian people (sic) will never accept the right of the
Jewish people to their own State. Not for a 1000 years!"

It does not take too much insight to comprehend the consequences of
Israel's various withdrawals from1956 until today. Every time Israel
blinked the Jihadist mission of cleansing the Middle East, first of
Jews and then Christians was encouraged. The day after Israel withdrew
from Gaza, missiles were launched in the expectation that continued
violence would assure further withdrawals from "occupied territories"
that include every bit of land west of the Jordan River. The new Gaza
quickly witnessed the Hamas Jihadist takeover with Fatah "moderates"
ejected from the roofs of six story buildings. Each Israeli concession
or withdrawal bolstered Jihadists with the conviction that further
violence would encourage the Jews in "Palestine" to flee to Europe and

A basic tenet of Islam is Jihad: the struggle for Islam's global
ascendancy by any possible means. As interpreted by authoritative
teachings cited by Imam and scholar alike, that primary Jihadist
obligation is legally and morally suspended only in times or in places
where the chance of Jihadist success is minimal. Thus weakness or
compromise by those defending themselves against Jihad is viewed as
submission and a signal that Jihadist ventures can resume. It is
understandable, therefore, that the history of "salami" concessions
designed in good faith by leaders schooled in Western thought and
culture to encourage and bring about a "two-states for two peoples"
resolution only increases instability and conflict by signaling the
Jihadists that the time is ripe to return to violence to destroy the
Jewish State.

So why do so many well meaning people such as Tzipi Livni (former
foreign minister and Prime Minister wannabe), Ehud Olmert from the
witness stand, the editors of the NY Times, Haaretz, Manchester
Guardian, Professors in Haifa and Ben Gurion not to mention Tel Aviv
and Hebrew Universities continue to promote, preach, and struggle for
a new Middle East with Arabs and Jews living, working, and prospering
together? The Pollyannaish solution to the "Arab-Israeli" conflict is
captivating. It is a function of the Western bias that all Peoples and
their leaders want what our culture dictates to be desirable and that
any conflict can be resolved by reason and good will.

They argue moreover that two states for two peoples is the only way to
preserve Israel as a Jewish democratic state. This conclusion is based
on faulty demographic arguments and faulty predictions of behavior
patterns. It would lead to the opposite result: the creation of a
Jihadist state in Israel's backyard which will guarantee the
disappearance of the Jewish state!

For the time being, let us leave Gaza to its own devices. It may
remain a "free and independent" Islamic entity, it may revert back to
Egyptian domination, or maybe a new Turkish flotilla will reassert
Ottoman control. But it should not be the concern of Israel. Indeed,
the Arabs of Israel and Yehuda and Shomron (widely known as the former
West Bank of the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan) have little kinship
and little interest in the Arab population of Gaza.

As to the intellectual proposition that a "two state solution" is
necessary for Israel to continue as a "Jewish democratic state", it is
now well established since the groundbreaking 2005 demographic studies
and projections of Zimmerman, Seid and Wise issued by the American
Israel Demographic Research Group that the demographic facts and
trends do not require the artificial exclusion of people and territory
from Israel sovereignty.  Until that study was digested by impartial
academics, professors of Demography and Geography told the world and
told Israelis and Israeli policy makers that there was an Arab
majority between the River and the Sea and as a consequence,
separation and creation of a Palestinian "State" was the only way to
preserve Israel as a Jewish State.

But that mantra, the two-state "solution", is based on faulty data,
logic, and perception. It is also falsely based on security,
demographic, political, economic, electoral, societal considerations
on many levels.

Currently the Jewish population of green line Israel, Yehuda and
Shomron is 67% Jewish.

The last 20 years of birth data combined with migration data have
established that there is positive Jewish demographic momentum and if
Israel does not pursue policies that encourage Jihadists that 67%
majority is expected to grow.

Ask yourself and your friends and neighbors the difficult question:
What percent minority population would allow Israel to maintain its
character as a Jewish State? (By the way, there is nothing to be
embarrassed about living in a Jewish State. The Organization of the
Islamic Cooperation has 57 members, 56 of which are members of the
United Nations.) The answers will vary from zero percent Arabs (the
extreme left in Israel oddly enough now want no Arabs and a very high
fence!!) all the way to "it does not matter" (we want "a state of all
its citizens").

Will Israel with a one-third non-Jewish minority lose its character as
a Jewish State?
Will the two-thirds Jewish majority prosper in Israel? The conclusion
that there is positive Jewish demographic momentum changes many of the
previously held beliefs about the future of the Jewish State. Indeed,
demographic considerations have impacted policy, strategy, and
planning from the first Zionist Congress until today. The Mandate for
Palestine which was approved unanimously on July 24, 1922 by the
League of Nations and separately by the US Congress, formally
legalized for all time the Jewish right to Palestine. The Mandate
understood that a Jewish State could not be practically declared until
there were more Jews in the Land. The Mandate formally called for the
Jews of the world to support and encourage re-population of Palestine.
Jews were encouraged to immigrate and support financially, physically
and spiritually the growth of a Jewish majority in the Land. Once that
majority was achieved, a Jewish State could be declared and the
trusteeship could end.

Distinguished historians, political scientists and sociologists preach
that in all cases once a minority community reached 20% or possibly
30% and certainly 33% of the total population, the character of a
state changes. The majority cultural group loses its integrity and a
new creation is morphed into reality. Conversely, a less than 20%
minority group quickly assimilates and becomes absorbed by the
dominant 80% majority population.

Both of these propositions seem shaky as they relate to the internal
dynamics of Israel.

Where and how was the "scientific" conclusion reached?  By observing
multiple societies around the world. Can these theories account for
the history and integrity of the Jewish people through their almost
2,000 year Diaspora? No.

The survival of the Jewish people as distinct minorities in multiple
societies suggests that Jewish society is a remarkable exception to
conventional sociological thinking. Jewish minorities of 1-5% have
prospered and grown in remarkably diverse environments, both
economically, culturally, and demographically (sans pogroms and
inquisitions) over a period of 2,500 years since the destruction of
the First Temple. The Jews in Babylonia as well as in Lithuania, the
Ukraine and Poland succeeded and violated all the accepted norms about
assimilation and acculturation. Societies where the Jewish minority
never even exceeded 5% exhibited extraordinary Jewish involvement in
the highest levels of society and administrative infra-structure. We
will not go into the causes and explanations, but there are many
unique factors that contributed to their success. One need not explain
the phenomenon to observe it as proven fact.

Now imagine a country that is 67% Jewish, with a strong Jewish
participation in all segments from Arts and Science, Politics,
Medicine, Law, Security and Foreign Policy, Business and Finance, High
Tech and Agriculture etc. Will that society lose its Jewish character?

Per Israel's Declaration as an independent democratic Jewish State,
the rights of minority communities and individuals must be preserved.
But those minorities must uphold the Law of the Land and cannot be
permitted to act inimically to the welfare of the country.

The fears of a fifth column are legitimate but are clouded by the
current political environment. Israeli Arabs have been told by Israeli
politicians and media for 20 years that there will be a hostile Arab
state created in Israel's backyard. That is a guaranteed formula to
foster an extremely hostile internal population. Once that proposition
is laid to rest, the benefits of remaining or becoming part of
Israel's success will become paramount for the vast majority of the
Arab population. Recent events surrounding the "Arab Spring" have made
it clear to the fortunate Arabs living in Israel and Yehuda and
Shomron that a blue Israel Identity card is a treasured asset. Very
few Israeli Arabs have sought refuge under the PA or have fled to Gaza
or Syria.
Of course, the tragedies of the past century led to a fear that should
the Jewish population of Israel drop to 66% majority, terrible
catastrophes would emerge. But the fears do not take into account the
experience and logic of Jewish sovereignty.

I am working on a study that analyzes the risks and benefits of a
Jewish state with a one-third (and diminishing) Arab minority. The
concerns that people express with regard to a large minority
community, are generally very visceral and not well conceived. Those
fears and phobias arise from multiple issues including (in no
particular order): security, social, prejudice, political,  economic,
global reactions, character of a Jewish state,  character of  a
democratic state,  religious, inter-marriage,  conversion,  impact on
aliyah and yeridah,
government budgets, electoral, districting and representation, paths
and criteria for citizenship, etc. Each of these "threats" must be
analyzed, quantified and put into proper perspective using game
theoretic disciplines.

How should Israel sovereignty over Yehuda and Shomron be implemented?
Different annexation paths have been proposed. Phased in or partial
annexation, districting, electoral reform and representation in the
Knesset, various criteria for the changed legal status of the new
residents of Israel, etc. Many possible paths were analyzed almost ten
years ago and can be found at

There is no quick, assured or ideal resolution to a conflict that has
more than a 100 year history. Nonetheless, it has become increasingly
clear that complete annexation of Yehuda and Shomron offers the best
opportunity for security, peace and prosperity for all the residents
of Israel.

Your comments are appreciated at More information
can be found at and

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Re: Nationalist Activists send shockwaves throughout Judea and Samaria?????Women in Green - Make all Arabs Israeli citizens??? My explanation of what they can mean


"Kashe Alay Preydatchem", "Your departure is difficult on Me." 
therefore more emails from me....

Nationalist Activists send shockwaves throughout Judea and Samaria
by Zahava Englard'

Zahava Englard claims that she sat with Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover and they want Judea and Samaria to be annexed (ok) and here comes the shocker, they would like to grant Arabs in Judea and Samaria Israeli citizenship (???).  

This calls for and demands greater explanation.  One one hand they themselves quote from the Torah Deuteronomy 7:1-2, When the Lord…casts out many nations before you…make no covenant with them and give them no foothold… and then Zahava quotes Yehudit Katsover who says "Because we believe in our sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, we are willing to pay the price and give the Arabs in the region citizenship," explains Yehudit. "For our land we are ready to suffer and sacrifice. We will pay the price."

???? That is from left field. That sounds like Netanyahu talking about sacrifices for peace which includes destruction of settlements.  

I seriously do not believe that Nadia or Yehudit want to annul the Torah when it says "make no covenant with them".  I also do not believe they went off their rocker (i.e. are afflicted with temporary insanity).  So the following is my interpretation of what they probably do suggest.

In the Torah a Non Jew living in the Land of Israel, falls under the category of Ger Toshav.  A Ger Toshav has rights.  If you want to call the Ger Toshav a non-Jewish Israeli citizen, call it what you wish.  However, a Ger Toshav is not obligated in the 613 Mitzvoth as is the Jew, the seed of Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov and their rights are limited compared to a full fledged Jew.  They must adhere to the 7 Noahide laws.  They must accept Israel Sovereignty.  A Ger Toshav rights are different then the Ger Tzedek whose rights are pretty identical to the Jewish people with certain exceptions relevant to the Ger Tzedek. It's not a matter of being fair or not fair.  It's just different.  A Ger Toshav does not have  inheritance rights as member of one of the Tribes. They can never outvote the Jewish People from the Land since they don't really have inheritance as do the 12 Tribes.  When it comes to inheritance rights, neither does the Levi for that matter and the Levi is very special to G-d since G-d is their inheritance.  So is the Ger Tzedek.
They are assured housing and shelter. Israel must provide for the Ger Toshav and make sure that they do not fall into poverty.  True today we do not really know which Tribe we belong to and/or which land is our inheritance,  so come Yovel we can not apply the inheritance laws according to the Torah.  

However, we must acknowledge that there is an inherent difference between Jews and non Jews and their obligations and rights are not identical in the Land of Israel and these must be spelled out!  

Side note: In case you think I am advocating confiscating the property of all non Jews, let me assure you that we have a precedent in the Torah of purchasing property from non Jews and not confiscating the land from them even though it was promised to Abraham.  Abraham purchased Land from Efron HaChiti.  He paid full price for Maarat HaMachpela. On the other hand, there is no reason to allow children textbooks or TV shows in Israel that glorify Jihad and promotes Israel's destruction.  There must be a precondition of accepting Israel's Sovereignty and being a proud non Jewish Citizen of Israel. (or call it what you may) 

  One may not add or subtract to the Torah and that remains true this very day as well.  So while you speak about citizenship for Non Jews, make it clear that Israel is not merely a democracy.  It can only be a Jewish democracy which has distinctions between men and women, distinctions between Kohen, Levi and Yisroel, Kings and non Kings, Jew and Non Jews, Ger Toshav and Ger Tzedek and Amcha, your people. 

Judaism is not a racist religion but there are differences and these distinctions must not be blurred nor are we allow to deceive others into believing that these distinctions can be blurred.    If distinctions are blurred it is a Bedieved, not the best way to handle the situation and not a Lechatchila (the preferred method in dealing with the situation) and our goal is to actualize the Torah to the fullest and to the best of our abilities because that and only that will bring peace and prosperity to humanity.

Is Professor Paul Eidelberg invited to this Conference in Hebron?  I believe he can add a lot to the discussion!

Author of THE GILBOA IRIS (Gefen Publishing House) and SETTLING FOR
MORE: FROM JERSEY TO JUDEA (Urim Publications)

A couple of days ago I sat with Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
somewhere in Gush Etzion. We discussed a new and provocative
right-wing initiative while drinking ice water to ward off the
afternoon heat. Nadia and Yehudit are both passionate, devoted veteran
Land of Israel activists, and when they began to speak about a
proposal that includes offering the Arab residents of Judea and
Samaria Israeli citizenship, naturally, I was intrigued.

Over the years, Nadia and Yehudit have tirelessly struggled to block
illegal Arab take-overs of Jewish- and state-owned land. And for the
past seven years they have been working together as co-chairs of Women
for Israel's Tomorrow, also known as Women in Green.

"There's always another fire to put out," says Nadia. "Each time
leftists attempted to close an area to Jews — Ulpana, Migron, Givat
Assaf, Beit HaShalom, etc. — the local Jews had to move fast to put
each fire out."

She and Yehudit  realized that almost every day another hill was taken
over by "agricultural jihad" or illegal Arab construction.

So they decided the time has come to get to the root of the problem —
and that didn't mean a two-state solution.

"Albeit 45 years late, it's time for the government of Israel to
pursue an initiative that would extend its sovereignty over Judea and
Samaria, which would include granting the Arab residents in the area
Israeli citizenship," Nadia says.

The two regularly quote from Genesis 12:7, I will give this land to
your offspring; Genesis 17:8, And I give to you and your offspring
after you the land you sojourn in…as an everlasting possession; and
Deuteronomy 7:1-2, When the Lord…casts out many nations before
you…make no covenant with them and give them no foothold…

While giving credit to these biblical references may not fit the
modern thought process of the left, it is nevertheless the core of a
conviction that is steeped in the roots of Judaism, the religion of
our nation. It is not something that can be easily dismissed. It is,
after all, the reason we are here, the reason for our claim to the
land, and the very reason for our yearning for this land since the
destruction of the Second Temple.

Our history begins in our heartland. And the heartland of Israel is
Judea and Samaria. Nadia refers to Tel Aviv as a "tinoket," a baby,
next to Judea and Samaria. The heartland is the spine of our country,
which protects the coastal plain.

"Because we believe in our sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, we are
willing to pay the price and give the Arabs in the region
citizenship," explains Yehudit. "For our land we are ready to suffer
and sacrifice. We will pay the price."

Being a full-fledged nationalist right-winger myself, I support
Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. But I'm not entirely sold
on the proposal of Israeli citizenship for Arab residents there and
the terrorists that lie within. I pour myself another glass of water,
by that point wishing it was something stronger, and continue to

They inform me that the initiative will be thoroughly explored at the
upcoming Sovereignty Conference, Thursday, July 12, at the Mahpela
Visitor's Center in Hebron.

It is their contention that the government consistently considers
throwing out Jews out of their homes — an option that was indeed
carried out in 2005 in Gush Katif and the northern Shomron. With the
disastrous consequences of that decision felt daily in southern
Israel, the time has come, they say, to swerve public discourse away
from capitulation, and regain the initiative.

To be sure, many in the right wing camp aren't convinced that a plan
that includes citizenship for Arabs Judea and Samaria is the wisest
path, even if it is instituted in stages. Nadia and Yehudit concede
that there are risks, but they claim these risks are reasonable and
worth taking. They and other like-minded advocates consider an
annexation of Judea and Samaria a medication to make Israel healthier,
and like with every medication, there can be side effects.

Perhaps surprisingly, the much-touted "demographic threat" is not
among the side effects they're worried about. They cite Yoram
Ettinger, formerly the minister for congressional affairs at Israel's
Embassy in Washington, DC, and a former consul-general of Israel to
the southwestern US, who is a recognized expert on Jewish-Arab
demography. Ettinger maintains that the demographic problem is not as
grave as it has been portrayed.

For one thing, the left has added one million to the Arab population
in Judea and Samaria: their dead are still counted into the total, as
well as those who have emigrated. At present, the Jewish birthrate
exceeds the Arab birthrate in the region. With the increase in higher
education for Arab women came a decrease in birthrate. Ettinger
predicts that should the Israeli government treat aliya as a top
national priority, by 2035 there will be an 80% Jewish majority.

According to Nadia and Yehudit, it is the creation of a Palestinian
state that would unsettle the Jewish demographics. As long as Israel
has sovereignty over Judea and Samaria it controls the border with
Jordan, preventing an influx of Jordanian Arabs.

Having spoken to large groups of secular Jews in Israel, Nadia and
Yehudit say they found considerable numbers that were receptive to
their initiative. It is further understood from Arabs themselves that
many would prefer Israeli citizenship to the Palestinian Authority —
even if they are afraid to declare this aloud.

It would necessitate having the Arabs sign an oath of loyalty to the
State of Israel and its laws, along with a commitment to carry out
national service. The oath of fealty is not an unreasonable idea,
according to Nadia, who says it took a relative of hers 10 years
before she was able to receive American citizenship.

As to how the world would react to an Israeli annexation of Judea and
Samaria, "The skies didn't fall when Israel applied sovereignty over
Jerusalem and the Golan Heights; nor will it fall when we apply
sovereignty over Judea and Samaria," says Nadia. "Should the world
scream over it, let them. Better that than to have them love us for
capitulating as we are driven out of our land."

Many notables have been pushing for this initiative over the past
year: MK Tzipi Hotovely, Caroline Glick, Yoram Ettinger, Attorney
Howard Grief and MK Uri Ariel — to name a few — who likewise plan to
be present at the Sovereignty Conference.

As for me: I've marked off July 12 on my calendar. While I found merit
in what was explained to me, I was still not completely convinced. And
I've decided to remain undecided until I can explore this initiative
further and weigh all the pros and cons. As I understand it, bus
transportation to the event will be available from a variety of
locations. Lectures will be in Hebrew with simultaneous English
translation. Perhaps you'd like to join me?

Further details on the Conference, in Hebrew and in English, can be


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, July 02, 2012

Today, Mon. July 2, 12th day of Tammuz, Liberation, Fwd: An Urgent Lesson Prof. Eidelberg


Dear Knesset Members and Manhigut Yehudit people, amv"sh

In 1927 on the 12th Day of Tammuz, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneerson, the previous Rebbe was informed of his release from prison.  On 13 Tammuz he actually left Kostrama.

Queen Esther said to King Achashveirosh Megillat Esther 7: "For we have been sold , I and my people to be destroyed, slain and annihilated.  Had we been sold as slaves and servant girls I would have been silent". 

This is an auspicious day, so as much as I would like to stop sending you emails, I don't want to miss this opportunity. 

especially after reading that the Chareidi Draft Threaten Stability with Kadima threatening to leave Likud. 

I agree with Prof. Eidelberg that Moshe Feiglin and Manhigut Yehudit supporters must leave Likud and work to reform all branches of gov't. The time to leave is now before the expulsions from HaUlpana and Migron.  Learn from Yitzchok Shamir Z'L just to say NO!  If the gov't wants to destroy HaUlpana or Migron with or without deals with the Yesha leaders, leave LIKUD! "Mi Shemaamin, Lo Mefached!"  As your motto goes,"A believer is not afraid"
  • A believer is not afraid to tell Netanyahu, stop with expulsions slated in HaUlpana, Migron or any settlement within the rightful boundaries of Eretz Yisroel. 
  •  A believer is not afraid to tell the Ultra Chareidi MK's that the Torah expects Jews to settle the Land, the entire land within the delineated boundaries, to keep the commandments and to protect her!  A believer is not afraid!  

Mofaz of Kadima joined Netanyahu for the wrong reasons yet may be leaving partly for the right reasons. All Jews even Chareidim and even Jews in the Diaspora must protect the Land of Israel, but  religious requirements must be accommodated.  It must be a HOLY CAMP! For YOUR SALVATION we wait for. (Liyeshuascha Kivisi Hashem...) and the Jews must be worthy.

To Moshe Feiglin and his Manhigut supporters I say.  It is because I love you I am against you.  Like an Eizer Kenegdo, a helpmate who stand in opposition to her husband, stand up to your partners or potential partners in Likud and the Ultra Orthodox parties! 

At the Manhigut dinner this past Shushan Purim, the night of the Manhigut Yehudit dinner, I received an email on my smartphone from Mattot Arim, that Prime Minister Netanyahu was forcing the ministers to vote against the Regulation bill.  I was upset and in shock since I assumed the 2 week extension given to Ketzele was in return that precisely this scenario would not happen. I showed it to several people at the Dinner who were very upset.  Helen Freedman of AFSI and myself walked over to Moshe Feiglin and showed him the email.  He said sadly that he knew about it for several hours and that it was Gush Katif all over again.  SO WHY DIDN'T YOU YELL About it at the Dinner?  Why not make it the number one message of the Dinner instead of ignoring it.  Why didn't you scream with pain NO MORE EXPULSIONS LIKE GUSH KATIF? Why not blast Netanyahu for forcing the Ministers to vote against their better judgement???  

Surely it was for political reasons that Moshe Feiglin was silent.  

ENOUGH OF STUPID POLITICS when we are facing annihilation!  Lech Knos Es Kol HaYeHudim.  Gather all the Jews together and pray and then say NO to the expulsions, No to a PA state!  NO to Netanyahu playing more political games! NO to the entire Knesset making deals at the Jewish People's expense!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Eidelberg <>
Date: Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 1:46 AM
Subject: An Urgent Lesson
To: Paul Eidelberg <>

How Some Nationalist Organizations

Helped the Likud win the Election that Led to

the expulsion of Jews from Gaza and the Ascendancy of Hamas:

A Review of the Eidelberg Report on

Israel National Radio, October 18, 2004


The report was entitled "The Next Knesset Elections and Beyond."



It's not too early for non-parliamentary nationalist organizations to prepare for the next Knesset election. I just hope they don't commit the disastrous errors certain nationalists committed in the January 2003 election.  We're suffering from the consequences.  So let me give a post mortem on that election.


Certain opponents of Sharon's Gaza retreat plan may be shocked to learn that they themselves enabled Sharon to foist this plan on Israel!  How? 


By urging people in the 2003 Knesset election to vote Likud and not "waste" their votes on a small party. These nationalists were still mourning over the June 1992 election, when certain small right-wing parties entered the race and unwittingly prevented the Likud-religious camp from winning enough seats to form the government. These small parties are still blamed for Labor's winning control of the government and imposing Oslo on the State of Israel.


What these nationalists failed to see is that the political situation had dramatically changed last year, in 2003. Labor had been discredited by its Oslo policy of "territory for peace," and the party itself was divided. Polls indicated that Labor would receive only 15 seats, while Likud would win at least 40. Hence the entry of a small nationalist party in the 2003 race could not possibly prevent a Likud victory.


The political situation in 2003 was unique. During the previous three decades, the contest between Labor and Likud was rather close. Many people—especially the religious—voted Likud only to prevent Labor from gaining power. In 2003, however, it was obvious not only that the next government would be formed by the Likud, but by a prime minister committed to a Palestinian state—­Ariel Sharon.


What nationalists failed to see is that Sharon's ability to manipulate his cabinet toward a Palestinian state would depend on the margin of the Likud victory. 


This margin would determine whether the Likud's coalition partners would support or oppose a Palestinian state, and whether its opponents in Sharon's cabinet would be numerous enough to prevent his pursuing Labor's objective.


Therefore, it was absolutely necessary for the nationalist camp to prevent the Likud from receiving too many mandates.  The only way nationalists could do this was to vote for parties to the right of the Likud, namely, National Union, the National Religious Party, and Herut.


Of these three parties, Herut, the smallest, had the most nationalist position—no territorial compromise. The mere fact that Herut leader Michael Kleiner had refused to join Sharon's 2001 national unity government—because Sharon was committed to a Palestinian state—justified voting Herut, more [so] because of Herut's alliance with the [now defunct] Yamin Israel Party, whose nationalist credentials transcend territory.  


Unfortunately, certain misguided nationalists, such as the leadership of Professors for a Strong Israel (PSI) and Manhigut Yehudit, misled the public by urging voters not to "waste" their ballots on a small party like Herut. A lot of campaign money was wasted by PSI on ads declaiming against Herut despite my efforts, as Yamin's president, to clarify the nationalist issue.  This is not all.


Yamin was aware of the crucial importance of limiting the Likud to roughly 30 seats. Therefore, even before Yamin formed a list with the Herut, I urged Moshe Feiglin to ditch Likud and join—as well as head—the Yamin Israel Party. Instead, Feiglin encouraged people to vote Likud which Manhigut Yehudit had joined… [for nationalist and religious but misguided reasons of its own]!


Now, suppose Likud had won only 30 seats instead of the 38 it actually won, so that [those] 8 additional seats would have gone to parties on the right.  Since Likud MKs, for various reasons, would balk at sharing ministries with Labor, Sharon would have had to form a government coalition with National Union and the religious parties. 


This would have excluded Shinui, since Shinui had pledged not to sit in a government with religious parties, especially Shas. Without Shinui, Sharon could not possibly ram his Gaza retreat plan through the cabinet; indeed, the plan would have died before it was born.  


Had the voters not been turned away from Herut, it would have passed the electoral threshold—it was within a few thousand votes of doing so. Kleiner would now be in the Knesset, and he would be vigorously opposing and arousing public opposition to Sharon—which no one is now doing in any organized way.  But those few thousand votes were lost because well-meaning people and organizations campaigned against Herut on the naïve grounds that Herut would "divide the nationalist camp."


This post mortem [my Report of October 18, 2004] continued is not sour grapes. It's a warning about the next Knesset election.  Those who are either swelling the ranks of the Likud, like Manhigut Yehudit, or speaking against any small, genuine nationalist party, should think again.  [Pause for an unrecorded question regarding Manhigut Yehudit, to which I replied:] "If 50,000 Manhigut people give Likud an extra Knesset seat, it could mean an extra cabinet ministry, but one appointed by Sharon, not Moshe Feiglin."


Although the Likud is likely to lose some seats because of Sharon's adoption of Labor's Gaza retreat policy, he still enjoys more public support than his competitors—the wimps in his cabinet. The public's misplaced confidence in generals remains a decisive factor in Israeli politics. Therefore, it's more important than ever for extra-parliamentary nationalist groups to unite to diminish the number of Likud mandates. They need not fear the ascendancy of a left-wing government.  The Left is split and largely discredited.


Summing up: those nationalists who prevented Herut from breaking the electoral threshold in the January 2003 election, or who lured people into the Likud, unwittingly contributed to Sharon's Gaza retreat plan. They should engage in serious self-criticism and develop a more sophisticated understanding of Israel's political system—a system that thwarts the clearly expressed will of the Jewish people.


But now I want to say a few words about the so-called nationalist camp.  What is meant by a nationalist? You can't be a nationalist unless you emphasize the nation or the national interest. But how can you [effectively] emphasize the national interest when the nation is fragmented into a welter of parties? At least 20 compete in an election and as many as 15 get into the Knesset. Why does this happen? 


There are several reasons. Given Israel's single, nationwide electoral district, parties must compete for Knesset seats on the basis of proportional representation.  Since no party has ever won a majority of Knesset seats, the cabinet invariably consists of a multiplicity of party leaders, each with his own personal and partisan interests. And since these party leaders never have to compete in regional or constituency elections, they remain safely ensconced at the top of their party's electoral list, and they can influence the order of candidates on those lists despite party primaries. This makes Knesset Members subservient to their party leaders, especially when their party leaders are cabinet ministers.


Look: the cabinet consists of a loose combination of parties. Their business is not to pursue a national program "but merely to divide positions of influence and the national budget"—to quote Ben-Gurion.  But this means that the very system of government is an anti-nationalist or anti-Zionist system!


Therefore, if you are not committed to changing this system, you are not a genuine or intelligent nationalist or Zionist! So, what are called nationalist parties are nothing more than territorial nationalists. And we see [that] Israel's territory is shrinking, and our territorial nationalists are partly responsible for this shrinking because of their ignorance about political institutions—or how the system of government has undermined Israel's hold on its territory!


So, what must you advocate to be a genuine and intelligent nationalist? You must reform all three branches of Israeli government. 


First and foremost, the Legislature: its members must be individually elected by and be accountable to the voters. Power must shift from parties to the people.  This is being a nationalist.


Second, the Executive: coalition-party cabinet government must be replaced with a Presidential system.  This is being a genuine and intelligent nationalist. 


Third, we must curtail the power of the anti-nationalist, anti-Zionist Supreme Court—which has usurped powers belonging to the Legislature and the Executive.


Finally, a true and intelligent nationalist understands that we need a Constitution ratified by the nation, a constitution that will delineate the powers of the three branches of government, a Constitution designed to unite both religious and non-religious Jews.  I have designed such a Constitution for the Yamin Israel Party.


[Pause for an unrecorded question regarding Feiglin to which I replied]: "The trouble is that Feiglin, to the best of my knowledge, does not say a word about regional elections, which is the key to changing the system.  So while he may speak of my book as his bible, he has ignored its key point. He emphasizes Jewish leadership. Fine, I wrote his first serious essay on the subject. But if you want Jewish leadership to be effective, you must shift power from parties to the people, and this requires regional elections. And since the vast majority of the people prefer to vote for a personal representative than for a party slate, he could get a lot more support if he takes this line, as I have urged him to do.  If he does this, he can then say that he is moiré democratic than his opponents in the Likud."
















Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, July 01, 2012

No 2 State Solution! additional links


Please forward, publish, use as source material for sermon or drasha and do what you can to stop expulsion of Jews from our homeland.  Even when the settlers themselves "agree" to being displaced because of stupid deals the Yesha leaders agree to, it's a bad idea not only for the gov't of Israel and people of Israel and Yesha people who settle for bones while saving their necks short term, but for everyone, Jews and non Jews!

Say No to a 2 State Solution!  Sources: (Thanks Buddy for links)

On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 5:27 PM, Robin Ticker <> wrote:

Dear Readers, amv"sh

I am reducing what I send out but will still continue. The first link is to give Chizuk to our claim for all of the Land of Israel, the 2nd link is to discourage all those, "friend" or foe, that speak out for a 2 State Solution. 

From Mattot Arim:  Re: Ron Lauder










Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

San Remo mandate חשוב; More on Ronald Lauder background


Dear Readers, amv"sh

I am reducing what I send out but will still continue. The first link is to give Chizuk to our claim for all of the Land of Israel, the 2nd link is to discourage all those, "friend" or foe, that speak out for a 2 State Solution. 

San Remo Mandate: 
From Mattot Arim:  Re: Ron Lauder










Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.