Monday, September 21, 2015

Erev Yom Kippur 5776 Stop Iran Rabbi-led Rally of Conscience. Please put in the News!


Dear Media List: 

This was an amazing Rally and very worthy of Press. There a video links to the speeches and the music of Pey Daled was amazing! Please make sure that this rally gets the proper coverage it deserves. Thank you. 

  • Cindy Grosz put out the following press release
Rabbi's proclaim "Work has just Begun" at UN Mission Rally

I posted this on my blog:
  • Letter to Rabbanim re: A Communal Call to Conscience - The Rabbinic-led Rally at the United States Mission to the United Nations, Tehillim, Heartfelt prayers and resolve.....

Kol Tuv and Gmar Chathima Tova!

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