Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Bigger Picture - Jonathan Pollard - Weapons of Mass Destruction given to Saddam Hussein by USA w/o informing Israel.


My Dear Fellow Activists for Israel, amv"sh

The White House number to call is 1-202-456-1111.  Put it on your cell phone with a daily reminder.  Then spread the word that America should be forced to explain why the USA failed to share with Israel crucial intelligence regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 

That reflects a USA betrayal to Israel rather than disloyalty of Jonathan Pollard to America.

Please read on for the bigger picture...

Jonathan Pollard shared military intelligence regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) with Israel only after America who was supposed to share such info with Israel failed to do so. Jonathan Pollard shared intelligence to Israel about a chemical weapons plant in Samarra, Iraq.

According to this Worldnetdaily Exclusive News Analysis:
Did U.S. give WMD to Saddam Hussein?
Case of Jonathan Pollard raises troubling questions ,

In the above post, Phd Richard Cummings  describes how Casper Weinberger then Secretary of Defense had assured the Israeli's that nothing was going on when the Israeli's approached him regarding what they considered suspicious in Samarra, Iraq. 

Pollard asked his superior officers at the Naval Academy why the U.S. was not supplying Israel with this intelligence.  Apparently to no avail.  It was only at this point that Jonathan Pollard decided to spy for Israel and offered Israel proof, military intelligence, that indeed it was a chemical weapons plant, and that Bechtel a giant American Construction company was facilitating the construction of the plant through a number of different companies. The firms were
camouflaging it as a "dual-use facility that could be explained away as a
fertilizer plant.".The weapons were deemed necessary for Saddam to use against Iran, the home of the Islamic revolution. Apparently the U.S. felt that empowering Saddam Hussein a ruthless dictator with WMD, at Israel's expense, was justified in order to destroy other forces of evil.

At that time, Jonathan Pollard made a moral judgment call and ANSWERED TO A HIGHER AUTHORITY. Everyone agrees that he did not become a spy to Israel because of personal monetary gain!

Let us imagine the following scenario.  If IRAQ who openly expressed interest in annihilating Israel had used their chemical weapons plant against Israel, and a catastrophe of major proportions would have happened, then Jonathan Pollard would have had to live with a life sentence in his conscience far worse than the life sentence he is presently enduring.

Before judging Jonathan Pollard, let us consider the following. If prior to the World Trade Center attack, an ally nation of the USA would have had intelligence of this evil plan and failed to share it, wouldn't we have held them indirectly responsible for the thousands of lives lost, property damage and indescribable grief at the horrific tragedy of 911? Look at the extensive damage caused from just some airplanes. Now imagine the potential damage to Israel from Weapons of Mass Destruction coming from Iraq.. 

Our campaign to free Pollard should not focus on apologizing why Jonathan Pollard acted as he did but rather why did AMERICA put Jonathan Pollard into this moral dilemma?????

Furthermore, is America once again using Israel as they are doing for Jonathan Pollard as their negotiating pawn, merely a bargaining chip in their Mideast diplomacy?  Don't they know that FATAH is interested in annihilating Israel?  Still they promote a 2 State Solution,  empowering Fatah which is putting Israel in grave danger?

Let President Bush use this opportunity to grant clemency to Jonathan Pollard and his legacy will remember him kindly for this action.

Otherwise, history will prove that once again President Bush has sold Israel away to her enemies for his foreign interests in oil producing countries.

What is the result of actions that put Israel into dangers? These  "moderate" Islamic governed countries see our "gestures of peace" which come at the expense of Israel's security, as a sign of weakness in America's fight against terror.  This in turn strengthens Islamic Fascism and empowers terrorism and the axis of evil.

The White House number to call is 1-202-456-1111.  Put it on your cell phone with a daily reminder. 

And as much as we don't want to know the gritty details about what happened  to Jonathan Pollard in prison, we must raise our consciousness in order to prevent such tragedies to continue.  Our Jewish leaders who have taken it upon themselves to act on behalf of Jonathan Pollard have chosen to do so under this veil of silent diplomacy.  I am referring to  Malcolm Hoenlein of Conference of Presidents, Rabbi Pesach Lerner of National Council of Young Israel and David Zweibel of Agudath Yisroel of America.  But this has been going on for the past 23 years. There are 7 days left to Bush's administration.  Maybe Silent Diplomacy is just not working?  And we thought that torture was only reserved for the Islamic terrorists of Mumbai lehavdil..

Pollard: I was tortured in prison

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