Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Comments of "Refugees from the Storm" from

The following is a fabulous first hand report from a refugee of Hurricane Katrina. From

Refugees from the Storm:


There are many parallels here to the Shemittah year. It sounds crazy but is this the message? Keep the Shemittah year properly and then there would be no need for disasters to teach us what we need to know? We very much need to brainstorm. Each and every persons perspective is necessary. Shemittah by definition is a social dynamic where the contribution of each and every individual is valued and sought after. Each person is intimately involved and each person undergoes a very individual transformation of character traits. It is a year of personal growth and a year where we value what each and every individual has to offer. It is a year of faith where we live hand to mouth not knowing from where our sustenance will come tomorrow but believing fervently that it will come. G-d sent us 9/11 and the outpouring of good will and love of humanity became apparent. Hashem allowed the expulsion of Gush Katif and the refugees are being embraced by their brethren with everything they own. Now this story demonstrates our dependency on Hashem and how all belongs to Hashem. Do we really need disaster, destruction, pain and suffering to bring us to this realization? Shemittah is a relatively painless homeopathic alternative.

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